Oral Presentation Australian Society for Microbiology Annual Scientific Meeting 2017

Next-generation Sequencing Up and Coming Microbiology Applications (#35)

Christiane Honisch 1
  1. Illumina, Inc., San Diego, CALIFORNIA, United States

Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is an established technology in microbial genomics.

The Illumina MiSeq benchtop sequencer launched in 2011 and was Illumina’s first foray into benchtop next-generation sequencing, followed by the launch of the first FDA cleared and CE marked version of the instrument – the MiSeqDx.

Public Health Laboratories throughout the world have adopted the technology to monitor human pathogens and to identify the causative agent(s), the route course, the source and directionality of outbreaks following transmission pattern. Genomic fingerprints down to a single nucleotide variance can be obtained directly from colonies or culture and routinely directly from metagenomic samples in the future.

Higher output research instruments like the NextSeq and the latest add on to the family – the NovaSeq enable even deeper insides into microbial genomic population structures and metagenomics.

Illumina Microbiology solutions support the research areas of whole genome sequencing – generating accurate genomes for microbial identification and comparative genomics studies, 16S rRNA sequencing – identifying bacteria and bacterial populations, shotgun metagenomics – deciphering the abundance of members in a microbial community and virology – resolving population structures and molecular pathways.

Recent, most impactful examples of NGS in public health and microbiome research from the literature will be presented.