Poster Presentation Australian Society for Microbiology Annual Scientific Meeting 2017

Diversity and abundance of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in native and managed landscapes in Tasmania (#304)

Reham Mohammed 1 , Morag Glen 1 , Nigel Swart 1 , Richard Doyle 1 , Karen Barry 1
  1. University of Tasmaina, Hobart, Tasmania, Sandy Bay, TASMANIA, Australia

Despite the significant role of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF, Glomeromycota) in supporting plant functioning and soil health, the identity of individual species and their relative abundance is largely unknown in most regions of Australia.  To contribute to knowledge in this area, we are studying the identification and relative abundance of AMF taxa by two main methods; glomeran-specific quantitative PCR (qPCR) and Pac-Bio sequencing of 18S rRNA gene (rDNA) amplicons.  We are examining the AMF communities in different native and managed landscapes in Tasmania to illustrate how key factors (i.e., land use, season, soil type and agricultural management practices) may influence AMF abundance and diversity. We have sampled 20 sites including cherry orchards, vineyards, pastures and native vegetation for comparison, in the South and North of Tasmania. In the first study, DNA amplification by qPCR revealed that the abundance of AMF in the soil varied with land use and season. In relation to the influence of land use on AMF abundance, Glomeromycota abundance was highest in improved pasture, followed by the cherry orchard and then native bush. The seasonal impact on AMF abundance showed a similar trend, regardless of land use. A rapid increase in spring compared to winter, was followed by a gradual reduction in summer. In autumn, abundance in pasture declined more rapidly than in the cherry orchard. We conclude from the results that AMF communities are affected most significantly by different land use management and seasonal changes, while evident, were not as great.